
2024年2月28日—8BestFreeFileSearchTools·Everything·WiseJetSearch·DuplicateFileFinder·QuickSearch·SearchMyFiles·FileSeek·UltraSearch·LANSearch ...,AshampooDuplicateFileFinderfindsanddeleteduplicatefilesonWindowsmachinestofreeupdiskspace.Deletedfilesarereplacedwithhardlinksso ...,2024年5月1日—Theeasiestwaytosortthroughimages,music,videosandotherpersonalfilestoremoveduplicatecopiesandfreeupdiskspa...

8 Best Free File Search Tools

2024年2月28日 — 8 Best Free File Search Tools · Everything · Wise JetSearch · Duplicate File Finder · Quick Search · SearchMyFiles · FileSeek · UltraSearch · LAN Search ...

Ashampoo® Duplicate File Finder

Ashampoo Duplicate File Finder finds and delete duplicate files on Windows machines to free up disk space. Deleted files are replaced with hard links so ...

Duplicate File Finder for Windows

2024年5月1日 — The easiest way to sort through images, music, videos and other personal files to remove duplicate copies and free up disk space.

Fast File Finder

2023年5月24日 — Autosoftseed's Fast File Finder is a handy software utility that helps users look for files in their computer quickly. Although you can do file ...

Fast File Finder for Windows

Fast File Finder is an alternative to the Windows file explorer that lets you find any folder or document by simply typing in the full name or part of it.

File Finder for Windows

Quickly locate files in vast archives of music, movies, source code, etc. Compact mode for advanced users. One file, 100KB, and ...

File Finder Pro

2023年5月25日 — File Finder Pro is an app that revolutionizes your file management experience. With its advanced features, including intelligent duplicate ...

File Finder Pro

2023年5月26日 — File Finder Pro is an app that revolutionizes your file management experience. With its advanced features, including intelligent duplicate ...


Full-featured file explorer for Windows 11 with Tabs! Manage files and folders, work with archives in the formats .rar, .7z, .zip, .tar, etc., watch videos ...

What is the best program to search for files and folders?

2020年8月17日 — I'd suggest Directory Opus. It can be installed as full replacement of the windows explorer, has a very advanced file handling, folder ...